City Chiropractic care is based on the belief that spinal problems are the cause or underlying cause of health problems and spinal adjustments can restore and maintain health.
City Chiropractic serves its patients in NE Mpls and Andover, MN with the personalized care of experienced Chiropractors who are genuinely concerned with your well-being. We specialize in the spine, spinal column, upper, lower back pain and neck pain relief and sciatic nerve pain associated with the nervous system. We consider your entire body in order to help you achieve good health.
The main technique that we utilize in our office is the Cox Decompression and Flexion-Distraction technic. It is a gentle but effective technique that manipulates your spine in all different planes of motion to improve flexibility and decrease pain.
At City Chiropractic we have new equipment which include: the Cox 7 table, Apollo Class IV cold laser, water massage tables and Electrical Muscle Stimulation/Ultrasound units. We utilize many stretching and strengthening techniques for soft tissues. We also use many different chiropractic techniques: Cox Technic (certified), Diversified, SOT (proficient but not certified), Activator (proficient but not certified) and Thompson Drop technique. By using these modalities, strengthening/stretching and chiropractic techniques we believe that we can promote quicker healing. This is extremely important when a person wants to live an active life style with no limitations.
Since 2000, City Chiropractic has treated many patients with severe acute and chronic injuries. Most of our patients have herniated or bulged discs caused by auto accidents, work and sports injuries or everyday activities. We started as one homecare chiropractor and have grown to two busy clinics in city and suburban settings with two chiropractors.
We are current and past sponsors of: Northeast Boosters, Andover Football, Eastside Neighborhood Services, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce and promote and encourage boys and girls to be involved in youth sports.